Financial Assistance Programs

Financial Assistance Programs


KidSport is a national children’s program that helps kids overcome the financial barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport.
Managed and operated by Sport Nova Scotia since 1994, KidSport Nova Scotia has assisted over 24,000 children totaling over $5.5 Million and provides funding of up to $500/year/child for sport registration and/or equipment. Digby Area Recreation Commission is proud to partner with KidSport Nova Scotia to administer the program. For more information and application forms visit their website at or contact them at 902-425-5450.


Digby Area Recreation Commission is a proud community partner of the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program which helps financially disadvantaged children get involved in organized sport and recreation by covering the costs of registration. For more information on the program or how to apply visit their website:

Active Digby Fund

The Active Digby Fund is a fund managed by Digby Area Recreation Commission that allows youth and adults residing in the Town of Digby and the Municipality of the District of Digby to participate in sport and recreation activities if they are unable to make the financial commitment.

Active Digby Fund Application :