Equipment Loan Program

Equipment Loan Program

Snowshoe Loan Program

Snowshoes are available for a 4-day loan at no cost so that residents of all ages can enjoy outdoor recreation and physical activity in the winter. Snowshoes are available January through March from the DARC Office (27 Shreve Street). To ensure availability, please contact the Active Living Coordinator, Debbie Haight, at 902-245-4344.

Skate Exchange Program

Skates are available for loan at no cost so that residents of all ages can enjoy recreational skating. Digby Area Recreation Commission is seeking donations from the community for new or used skates. DARC will refurbish those skates and loan the skates back to community members who are in need or unable, for economic reasons, purchase their own skates. Skates are available November through March from the DARC Office (27 Shreve Street). To ensure availability, please contact the Active Living Coordinator, Debbie Haight, at 902-245-4344.

Cross Country Ski Loan Program

Cross Country Skis are available for a 4-day loan at no cost so that residents of all ages can enjoy outdoor recreation and physical activity in the winter. Cross Country Skis are available January through March from the DARC Office (27 Shreve Street). To ensure availability, please contact the Active Living Coordinator, Debbie Haight, at 902-245-4344.