
Digby Area Arena

27 Shreve Street, Digby, Nova Scotia

Digby Arena installs ice in October, and it is removed in March each year for the winter season. During these months Digby Area Skating Club offers the Skate Canada’s CANSkate program, a learn-to-skate program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development, and the STARSkate program. Clare-Digby Minor Hockey Association provides a youth hockey program for boys and girls ages 5-18. Southwest Nova Speed Skating Club offers a recreational speed skating program for ages 5+. Digby Area Recreation Commission and Digby Arena offer a variety of recreational programs throughout the season, including public skating, pickup hockey, women’s drop-in hockey and 4 on 4 recreational hockey.

From April to August, we remove the ice for dry-floor activities such as ball hockey, trade shows, and special events.

Contact Digby Area Arena at:

Phone: (902) 245-1950

Digby Arena Public Skate Schedule

Monday & Wednesday

Parent & Tot Skate: 11:00AM-12:00PM

Adult (19+) Skate: 12:00-1:00 PM

Youth Skate (Grades P-6): 2:30-3:30PM

Teen Skate (Grades 7-12): 3:30-4:30PM


Parent & Tot Skate: 11:00AM-12:00PM

Adult (19+) Skate: 12:00-1:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday

Public Skate (All Ages): 4:00-5:00 PM

Admission – Pay What You Can!

There is a Red Donation Box in lobby