After School Programs

After School Programs

Kids In Motion

Digby Area Recreations Kids in Motion offers an unstructured indoor AND outdoor physical activity and play activities after school for students in grades primary to six, at three elementary schools in the Town and Municipality of Digby.

Please ensure appropriate clothing for all weather is with your child! A snack is provided. This program follows the school calendar; in cases where there is no school (CLT days, etc.) or school is cancelled due to weather, Kids in Motion will not run. Our program leaders will meet the students at dismissal and the program ends at 5:00 PM.

Registration is free, please register online at

You can also call 902-245-4344 to register.

The Kids in Motion After School Program will resume in October 2024.

This Girl Can

This Girl Can After School Program is for girls and provides fun opportunities to try new activities, learn leadership skills, meet new people and just have fun hanging out.

This program follows the school calendar; in cases where school is cancelled, This Girl Can After School Program will not run.

Registration is free, please register online at

You can also call 902-245-4344 to register.